New Recipe: Pear & Blueberry Crisp

I’m not sure what has happened, maybe it was the New Moon last week or maybe it’s my full surrender to this current situation but all of a sudden my kitchen inspiration is flowing.

When this happens, I just go with it and get in the kitchen to create and this week so far I have created 2 new recipes. I’m only sharing one with you right now, the other will be on its way soon, I promise.

Dessert in the Grime house is not a regular occurrence. We only tend to have it if we’re having people over or it’s a Sunday dinner and as we have been socially distancing  for the past few weeks there hasn’t been much of that at all.

This creation was as a result of too many pears in the house that needed to be used up and to be honest I’m not a pear lover but I was determined to find something delicious to do with them.

This led to my brand new recipe, a pear and blueberry crisp, which is both gluten and dairy free. My kids love both pears and blueberries so I knew this would be a winner. I hope it is with your family too.

Pear & Blueberry Crisp 1

Click here to get the recipe and try making a treat for your family to enjoy.

Mel x

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