Ditch the Junk! Take the 7 Day Eat Real Food Challenge

Diet. Dieting concept. Healthy Food. Beautiful Young Woman choos

Do you realize how much processed food you are eating?  Have you ever known anyone who says that they don’t eat processed food but then take a swig out of their Nestle Iced Tea bottle, or take another handful of their microwave popcorn? I see it all the time with new clients.

“I don’t eat processed food,” they say.  I find them eating cereal at breakfast, granola bars for a snack, diet pop, canned soup at lunch, and noodles and sauce for supper.  Yes, those are all processed foods!

If this sounds familiar then I have a challenge for you…

Can you go 1 week without eating your beloved processed foods?  I know it is a big challenge and I am not taking this undertaking lightly.  BUT it is only 1 week and I know you can do this.

I have set the date for Monday October 19.  That is a week after Thanksgiving so you have time to recover from all the pumpkin pie.

You can do this I will provide you with everything you need. In the challenge you will get:

  • How to avoid processed foods
  • List of the foods you can eat – there are tons
  • 1 week menu with recipes
  • Support via email and a private Facebook group prior to the 1 week challenge and throughout the 7 days.


Everyone who signs up will be put into a draw to win one 60 minute nutrition consultation with me.

Enter the Ditch the Junk Challenge here.

Consider challenging your family, friends, sports clubs, gym members, schools, coworkers or even have your business challenge another business.   Which team can have the most members go the most days without processed food? It’s always so much more fun to do challenges with other.

In order for them to reap all the benefits they have to enter themselves.  Here is the FRIEND SHARING LINK.  Just copy and paste into another email or post it on your social media page and you are good to go.  The more the merrier.

Let’s get ready for the Ditch the Junk Challenge and eat some real food! Are you with me?